In 2023, I experienced an awakening that left me reeling. 

It had come during a plant medicine journey which took me to the centre of existence, and systematically healed each wound that I'd been nurturing from this and past lifetimes. I was given a gift. A blessing. A miracle. Treated to the knowledge and experience of pure consciousness, unbound by the physical and yet unreal limitations in this dimension. I felt a light within, nurtured by the unconditional love of Source that I'd forgotten was there. I left the retreat with a fire in my belly to share the experience and the downloads. I had always known that I was here to create impact, and so this felt in line with that sentiment. 

But I had no idea what to do or where to go from there. The downloads and insights were coming in hot, with new abilities making themselves known every day. If felt like wherever I placed my energy is what would expand, and as I delved further into esoteric material, wondered from one to the next...what am I supposed to do? Am I medium? A channel? A healer? All of the above but in a different way? I dabbled in so many things, loving every minute but also unsure of what was supposed to come next. 

I attened another ceremony a few months after the first one, and this was was no less insightful, though it was certainly less intense. 

In the second experience, I came to understand my purpose, which is to fulfill the role of a master teacher. I'm not calling myself an ascended master or someone on the level of Jesus; a master teacher is one who MUST teach, and learns IN ORDER to teach. Who learns quickly and integrates the lessons THROUGH teaching. Not only that, but as someone with a boatload of trauma to transmute, this was also integrated into my teaching journey. It's why part of my mission is to help newly awakened spirits who FEEL that desire to teach and create impact, to do the real, raw work required of one who wants to walk the path of service to others. 

The road to entrepreneurship is paved with inner work and insights unlike any other path. Add in the word 'spiritual' to that, and now you have a recipe where you are the main ingredient that your audience is going to be consuming, and so it is critical and integral to your (and their) healing and growth that you go into this game with 1000% clarity on WHO YOU ARE. But not just who you are at the individual level...

Who you are on the path of service to others. Because they are different. 

And if you are stuck right now, unsure of what to do, who or how to serve, you are probably exactly where I was when I was figuring all of that out. I took for granted that I 'knew' myself; after all, I was awakened/awakening, right? 

The reality is that you are your own biggest blindspot. And if you don't do the foundational work of addressing that blindspot, you might never get to the starting line and get to serve the people that YOU are uniquely meant to serve. 

This is also the work that helps you become a category of matter what industry you work in where you are serving others. Because at the end of the day, isn't everything spiritual?

Your Unique Service Fingerprint

Yes, I realize that I'm being redundant when I use 'unique' and 'fingerprint' in the same sentence. But there's a reason for that... 

No two people have the same fingerprint, and yet, there are tens of thousands - if not more - people online who are doing the exact same thing. Whether it's selling the same kind of service, course, healing, products... it's all the same. They are also targeting the same audiences, using the same platforms, keywords, hashtags, tactics... you get my drift. Many of them look the same, say the same 'controversial' things, and follow the same influencer hacks in order to get your attention and sales. 

Which means that just because people are inherently different, doesn't mean they are BEING themselves or authentic. I am not calling out anyone in particular; the fact is, markets and tactics and marketing tactics all follow proven formulas, and in the online space, going against the proven formula is a risk.

But here's the thing. The need to stand out is essential in the online space, and it's relatively easy to achieve if you know how to do it. Here: BE YOURSELF. Easy right? LMAO...

Here's the other thing: being yourself, showing up authentically and unapologetically, requires A LOT of foundational ground work before that happens. The individual never has to do this, or can do so in a way that feels safe. 

Not so with the budding spiritual entrepreneur. If you do it the hard way, you get to have your heart and fears smashed all over your Instagram profile as trolls and keyboard warriors point out all your flaws instead of using their energy in more constructive ways. This is how genuine authenticity can die in the early stages of a budding soulpreneur's journey, replaced by picking a stream that feels safe and like it will generate only likes and zero conflict. The issue with that is that the individuals you help along the way still aren't getting the most authentic version of you, and because our audience is only ever our mirror, you aren't getting the most authentic version of them. 

We who are here to create impact and provide guidance to healing... have a very specific group of souls who we are supposed to guide to healing. They are YOUR people. This isn't to say that individuals will ONLY ever seek you out for one modality, like breathwork for example, but that if you are being the special, unique snowflake that you are...they CAN ONLY SEEK YOU OUT because what you do is like nothing else being done. Your people thus become the only people who 150% want and need what you have to offer. And in a saturated market, this is how you become the coveted 'category of one.'

There are thousands of trauma healing breathwork facilitators. But if you're the breathwork facilitator who uses past life regression/horse/art/music/dance therapy to help your target audience overcome a highly defined problem, now you're playing a totally different ball game. 

You differentiate like this by knowing intimately and understanding how to wield your Unique Service Fingerprint, which is the intersection of your past, your passions, and your proficiency. What this unique blend provides is the foundation of knowing yourself through the lens of service to others, because when you compare the intersection, you WILL see a overarching theme that, with deeper exploration, will reveal the goods. Breathwork is essential to this process, because breathwork helps you tap into your innate wisdom - your most authentic self, who already KNOWS who you're supposed to serve, because ultimately, we end up serving the most authentic version of ourselves. 

Along my own journey, I thought I was supposed to help people transmute their trauma. Then I thought I was supposed to help new mothers use breathwork to help them quit alcohol. Then I thought I was just supposed to teach people to use breathwork to shift their realities. Then it deepened into helping those who'd always known they were here to create impact, but who struggled under the weight of a dark past. The thing is...I was ALL of those people, but the most AUTHENTIC version of those people was the woman who'd not only transmuted her trauma, quit alcohol, wanted to create impact, and was using breathwork to shift her reality...but the woman who had stepped fully into her purpose as an entrepreneur who embraced her light - as much as her darkness. My most authentic self is the me who shows up, fearless, and who wants to teach others what I know. Who wants to help change the world and make it better and create impact by helping others create their impact. By using my decade of communications experience I get to do this, and I know of no better way to reach others and change the world than by stepping into entrepreneurship. As a path to Source and Self, I know of no two better methods than breathwork and communications. It's an oddball combo, but it's mine, and that's enough. 

The work to know your unique service fingerprint takes time, but it's worth every second. 

It will not only provide clarity about your most authentic self on the path to service, it will unlock your audience, niche, and messaging. It's what will ultimately guide your offer and ensure that your people can find you, and you them. Of course, all of this will take time, which is where patience, persistence, and faith comes in. Run away from anyone who wants to sell you a magic bullet. While there are exceptions to every rule, there are a lot of coaches out there who want to show you their 'outliers' and their overnight success stories. 

The reality behind the scenes is likely years of heartache, rejection, and dollars spent on the wrong things.

Know thyself, and you will know your audience, nail your niche, and master your messaging. No question.